Zither in Hof: Frank Bluhm Combo, 30.09., 20:30 Uhr
admin September 29th, 2022

Als Jamsession des Festivals „Zither in Hof“ des Deutschen Zithermusik-Bund e.V. spielt die Frank Bluhm Combo im Galeriehaus.
admin September 29th, 2022
Als Jamsession des Festivals „Zither in Hof“ des Deutschen Zithermusik-Bund e.V. spielt die Frank Bluhm Combo im Galeriehaus.
admin September 19th, 2022
A Love Electric is a three nationality critically acclaimed power trio born out of Mexico City’s jazz scene. In seven years of tireless touring and creative output, Todd Clouser, Hernan Hecht, and Aaron Cruz, all three celebrated artists in their own right, have released seven records on labels in the United States, Mexico and Europe, touring the world creating music on their own terms, performing over a thousand shows on four continents. Power psych, punk jazz, post-genre, freak rock are a sampling of the critics taking aim at a description of ALE’s sound.
“A savage guitarist, a ruthless drummer, an enormous bassist” – Vive Latino, MX City
“Fuzzed out guitars and acid rock” – Time Out NYC
A Love Electric performs regularly with luminaries of the New York downtown scene John Medeski, Cyro Baptista, Billy Martin, a number of Mexico’s most daring independent artists from free jazz legend German Bringas to emerging hip hop acts, and alongside communities throughout Mexico, most notably working regularly with young musicians from the Oaxacan Sierra, the pocket brass band “Tlayuda”.
Todd Clouser performs with Klezmerson on John Zorn written Tzadik releases „Book of Angels : Amon“ and „The Book of Beriah“.
“Explosive” – The Prague Post
“Fascinating” – NPR
A Love Electric has resisted conforming to any established genre identified market, a trend that continues with band’s 2020 release, “Permanent Immigrant”. After performances at some of the world’s most acclaimed jazz festivals in 2016 and 2017 – from Winter Jazz in New York City to jazz festivals throughout Latin America – the band that taken a decidedly more rock and song oriented approach on following releases, perhaps equal parts self-sabotage and preservation. With A Love Electric is about the dedication to exploring the creative act. Risk, commitment to the music, and a powerful dynamic between the three band members that can only be developed through years of collaboration on stage and off, give A Love Electric’s performances a dynamism that has allowed the band to create its own touring circuit outside of established markets, returning year after year to countries throughout Europe, cities in Mexico, and in 2019 for the groups’s second China run.
The group is led by guitarist and vocalist Todd Clouser, a Minnesota native now based in Mexico City, where he releases music in a prolific manner, runs Ropeadope Sur Records, the non-profit Music Mission, and is co-editor of the books “Musicians in Mexico City Vol. 1 and 2”.
Eintritt 10 Euro.
admin September 13th, 2022
Das Musikerpaar Tine und Dominique Täger (Lauscher, Anderes Holz) liest aus Dominiques Mindfuck-Roman „ephemer“ und untermalt das Ganze mit folkigen und atmosphärischen Klängen. Sie bringen Singende Säge, Waldzither und Effektgeräte mit und fesseln das Publikum nicht zuletzt mit ihrer außergewöhnlichen Bühnenpräsenz.
Sie erzählen von zwei Pärchen, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein können:
Da sind Etta und W mit ihrem Leben inmitten der Bohème Anfang dieses Jahrtausends.
Und da sind Claire und Moll, jugendliche Rebellen Ende der Achtziger Jahre, die die Kulturszene Deutschlands aufmischen.
Was haben die beiden Pärchen miteinander zu tun? Das ist eine Frage, die während der Lesung sicherlich nicht abschließend geklärt wird.
Eintritt: 5€
Zur Veranstaltung wird es einen Büchertisch geben.
Eintritt 5 Euro
admin September 4th, 2022
Zum zehnten Mal lädt Gerhard Plietsch zu seiner silence.
Diesmal wird er begleitet von Sigi Krafft (Bass, Percussion) und Hannes Buchta (Visuals).
Musik der Extraklasse.